Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Wash and dry potatoes. Spray the skins with cooking spray and pierce potatoes in several places with a fork. Place on a 13- by-18-inch baking sheet. Bake until tender, about 1 hour. Wash mushrooms, green onions and spinach. Heat oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Add mushrooms and sauté for 6 minutes. Add the green onions and fresh spinach, sauté for 1 minute. Slice off the top inch of each potato, leaving a ¼ inch border around the edge. Scoop out the flesh into a mixing bowl and mash. Add mushroom mixture, Dijon mustard, sour cream and ½ cup cheese. Mix well and season with salt and pepper. Scoop mixture into potato shells and sprinkle with the remaining cheese. Return the potatoes to the baking sheet and bake until heated through and golden brown on top, about 20-25 minutes.

Kentucky Proud Project
County Extension Agents for Family and Consumer Sciences
University of Kentucky, Dietetics and Human Nutrition Students
Buying Kentucky Proud is easy. Look for the label at your grocery store, farmers' market, or roadside stand.