June through July and September through November.
Nutrition Facts:
Cabbage is low in fat and calories and is rich in vitamin A.
Leaves should be crisp and free of insects and decay. Avoid burst heads. Choose firm cabbages that are heavy for their size.
Cover loosely and store in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Wash just before using.
Discard outer leaves and core.
TO BOIL: Do not use aluminum pan. Cut cabbage into quarters and boil in water for 10 to 15 minutes, until tender. Drain and serve hot.
TO STEAM: Place cabbage (shredded, wedges or whole leaves) into a steamer basket. Cook for 12 to 15 minutes, until tender. To bring out the natural flavor, add apples, pears, raisins, curry, caraway, dill or onions.
TO STIR-FRY: Shred cabbage and place in a skillet that has been sprayed with cooking spray or oil. Cook quickly over high heat, stirring constantly.
Buying Kentucky Proud is easy. Look for the label at your grocery store, farmers' market, or roadside stand.