June to September

Nutrition Facts: 
A one-half cup serving of raw berries contains 35 calories, has zero fat, and is a good source of potassium, vitamin C, and fiber.

Look for plump fruit that is uniform in color and appears fresh. Berries should be free of stems or leaves. Avoid fruit that is moldy, crushed, bruised, or contains extra moisture.

Store unwashed and covered berries in the refrigerator. Use within two days

Berries may be preserved by canning or freezing, or made into jellies or jam. For more information, contact your local County Extension Office.


Handle all berries gently. Wash berries by covering them with water and gently lifting the berries out. Remove any stems and drain on a single layer of paper towels. Blackberries are delicious cooked, which intensifies the flavor, or eaten fresh as a snack or in a salad.

Buying Kentucky Proud is easy. Look for the label at your grocery store, farmers' market, or roadside stand.