Publication ID Title Published Date Revision Date Contact
FCS2-100 Good Manners and Etiquette For Everyday Living January 1, 1997 August 1, 2007 Linda Adler
FCS2-101 Table Manners that Take You Anywhere January 1, 1995 August 1, 2007 Linda Adler
FCS2-102 Weekend Guests - Entertaining and Being Entertained January 1, 1997 August 1, 2007 Linda Adler
FCS2-103 The Art of Tipping January 1, 1997 August 1, 2007 Linda Adler
FCS2-104 Keeping in Touch With Others January 1, 1997 August 1, 2007 Linda Adler
FCS2-105 What's Your Etiquette I.Q.? January 1, 1997 August 1, 2007 Linda Adler
FCS1-411 Table Etiquette April 1, 2013 April 1, 2013 Sandra Bastin
Plate it Up!
Publication ID Title Published Date Revision Date Contact
MIS-AP.200 Plate it up! Kentucky Proud July 1, 2014 July 1, 2019