Older Adults: What to do before a winter power outage
A Kentucky winter often means snow and ice. As a result, we may also experience a power outage. To stay safe and prepare for a power outage this winter, older adults should:
- Keep a flashlight and fresh batteries.
- Get a battery-powered or crank radio to keep you connected and informed about emergency efforts.
- Stock up on water (1 gallon per day per person for at least 3 days) and nonperishable food (enough for 3 days).
- Know how to shut off the water valve to prevent pipes from freezing and bursting.
- Winterize your home (search for air leaks, weather strip around doors and windows, insulate the attic and walls, insulate pipes).
- Set aside warm clothes, including a hat, scarf, warm socks, mittens, and boots.
- Make a list of items that should be unplugged when the power goes off (computers, televisions, gaming systems, microwaves, appliances). Wait for electricity to be restored before plugging items back in.
Bethesda Health & Wellness. (2017). Winter safety tips for older adults. Retrieved https://bethesdahealth.org/blog/2017/12/27/winter-safety-tips-older-adults/
Constellation Energy Corporation. (2021). Tips on how to prepare for a power outage in the winter. Retrieved https://blog.constellation.com/2021/03/15/15-tips-on-how-to-prepare-for-a-power-outage-in-the-winter/
Source: Amy F. Kostelic, Associate Extension Professor for Adult Development and Aging
Social media post: Surviving a power outage usually depends on how well we’ve prepared for one. We have a list of things you should do before bad weather hits and shuts down our power.